sound:frame 2013
mapped visuals for sound:frame festival vienna
"sound:frame considers itself to be a platform for current artistic movements, offering artists an international network that supports their artistic, formal, content-related innovations."
This year sound:frame invited NODE Forum to produce visuals for their event in the fluc wanne, vienna under the label "NODE Collective". To build an object that would define the space and which we could project the visuals onto, we decided to reuse the moulds that had their first appearance at NODE13 Forum for Digital Arts. During NODE the moulds created a sculpture designed by the students of Städel Architecture Class, namely Moritz Rumpf, Sean Buttigieg amongst others.
For sound:frame we took the moulds and put them together in a new form, then projected onto them to visualise the music during the event.
Yara Dobra, Moritz Rumpf
David Brüll
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Forum for Digital Arts
creative direction and production for Frankfurt's festival for digital arts and culture
NODE is a festival that brings together the community around the multipurpose toolkit vvvv, which is used by artists, designers and technologists around the world.
Since its 2nd edition in 2010 i have been in charge of designing and producing print and online media for the forum.
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about vvvv

interactive installation for the Goethe National Museum Weimar. Commissioned by MESO Digital Interiors
For the new exhibition of the Goethe National Museum in Weimar MESO Digital Interiors was asked to design the "Faustkabinett" (Faust's cabinet), where visitors could experience Goethe's most important work in a playful way.
On a display the visitor can choose one of the 3500 different nouns that appear in Faust I and II by scrolling through a list with a big wheel. On a sculpture that hangs in the center of the room, every cite containing that word will then appear.
Sebastian Oschatz, Friedrich Söllner
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video work for the national opera Oldenburg
KD Schmidt
stage design
Maren Greinke
Lars Gebhardt
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Die Schmutzigen Hände
video work for the national theater Dresden
Simon Solberg
stage design
Maren Greinke
Katja Strohschneider
Roman Keller
Ole Georg Graf
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All photos on the right were taken by Matthias Horn

a dance performance based on a story by Franz Kafka
For my bachelor thesis Ray Peter Maletzki and me developed the concept for a dance piece that is soon to be performed in Halle.
Based on a story by Franz Kafka, the piece includes three characters: The creature, its burrow and the noise, represented by dancer, scenery and sound.
In order for scenery and sound to make decisions and interact with one another, they get a "consciousness" by means of the computer.
In the course of the plot, the creature loses control of its burrow and is haunted by the gruelling noise. But not only the creature, it's the dancer herself that loses control over the scenery, which in turn takes the lead and forces dancer and sound to act by its will.
The piece is in a conceptual stage and will première in early 2012.
Almuth Hattwich (direction)
Ray Peter Maletzki (production)
Johanna Roggan (choreography)
Stephan Kloß (sound)
Sonja Schrader (costume)
Ginan Seidl, Stephan Helmut Beier (assistants)
more information
blog (german)
BIG thanks to

Art.on.Wires Festival 2011
workshops and visuals in Oslo
this year was the second time Marko Ritter ( and me were invited to hold a workshop at the Art.on.Wires Festival in Oslo.
Art.on.Wires is a festival for hackers, coders and creatives, bringing together people from different fields. The 5 days in Oslo were packed with talks, workshops and performances.
Marko and me held a workshop for the absolute beginner in vvvv and gave his new Switchboy (a tool for visualization, written in vvvv) a working test at the two parties on friday and saturday.
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photos on the right

NODE10 Forum
internship in Frankfurt
during my internship at the NODE headquarters in Frankfurt I was lucky to be part of the organizing team with David Brüll and Ingolf Heinsch
In November 2010 the NODE Forum for Digital Arts took place in Frankfurt for the second time. What had started as an idea to bring together the many users of the visual programming language vvvv has since become an international forum for knowledge transfer between artists, designers and technologists.
This year's forum consisted of an exhibition under the topic "abstrakt Abstrakt - The Systemized World", curated by artists Eno Henze and Marius Watz, a wide range of workshops aiming to spread the knowledge on beginner and advanced topics of vvvv, lead by the developers and most active vvvv users, as well as lectures, performances and talks that filled the evenings
Thanks again to everyone who made NODE10 such an inspiring, interesting and exhausting week!
my job
organisation, editorial, design
more information
node on facebook
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photos on the right
jeanne charlotte vogt
woeishi lean
andreas koller
zhuyu miao

Weißt du, ich will mich schleichen
Leise in lauten Kreis
Wenn ich erst die bleichen
Tropfen unter den Eichen
blühen weiß.
Wege will ich erkiesen
Die selten wer betritt
In bunten Paradiesen?
Und keinen Traum als diesen
Du gehst mit.
Frei nach Rainer-Maria Rilke
par•pluie is an interactive installation where sound and images are created by the user's movement. moving faster, the rain becomes heavier. X and y position determine colour hue and lightness and the sound's frequency.
The installation works with two "screens". One on the floor, where you can watch the raindrops scatter across, the other one you are holding in your hand. From underneath the umbrella you can watch the raindrops fall on your head, building colourful splashes.
tracking: vvvv, graphics: unity3d
winter 2009/2010

La Belle et la Bête / Rohrschach
collaborative project with fashion designer Denis Herzog
For the collection of fashion design student Denis Herzog I built soft circuitry to illuminate his garments.
While the piece on the left is sensitive to sounds in its surroundings, the one on the right depends on the movement of its wearer. With every step or bending of the leg it changes its colour.
arduino lilypad, processing
summer 2010

generative design
poster created for a lecture on generative design
I thought it would make sense to have the graphics for this poster for a lecture on generative design generated. Obviously.
summer 2010

augmented looking glasses for the annual exhibition
There is way too much to see at the annual exhibition at Burg Giebichenstein. Too many places to go and too many interesting projects to be explored.
How do you know before which ones are the most intersting for you?
vvvv, 3DSMax, Arduino, lots of electronics
Jonas Braune, Maik Lochmann, Uli Henrik Streckenbach, Franz Wagner
summer 2009

vvvv und Arduino
Erfahrung gewinnt man, wenn man sie teilt.
Unter diesem Motto habe ich schon diverse Workshops zum Thema vvvv oder Arduino geleitet. Die vvvv-Workshops sind meist als eintägige Intensivkurse angelegt für Gruppen von Menschen verschiedener Vorraussetzungen.
In Zusammenarbeit mit Intolight haben wir Workshops auf dem art-on-wires Festival in Oslo, in Kooperation mit der TMA Hellerau und für das Jetztmusikfestival in Mannheim organisiert.
TMA Hellerau
art on wires
Fotos: Conrad Schneider

various paintings
nature studies & free figures

mobilier intelligent at Strate Collège Paris
The ghostorytellers are a series of concepts for feeling the presence of your friends when they're not around.
I developed different ideas on how furniture could accomplish this task, of which the ghostorytellers' couch made it to a prototype.
The couch absorbs voices of your friends when they spend time with you in your living room. Like a sponge it memorizes their voices, playing them back to you when you're alone.
Lying down on your couch and carefully squeezing it you can hear bits and pieces of your friends' former presence. But you have to concentrate and listen carefully.
The quieter you are, the clearer the voices will become.
more info
winter 2008/09

initials inspired by Patrick Süskind's 'Perfume'
handdrawn with ink, digitally enhanced
summer 2008

clay and plaster works